What Campers/Church Sponsors Have to Say About Camp Hosanna
Jen L- Chattanooga, Tennessee (Camper 2017)
I love camp hosanna! I think it's a great camp! The first year I went I think was 2011 or 2012, and I didn't really want to participate in the games either, but in doing so I was able to get over my fears and be involved. It's more than just games, it's challenges. Sometimes in life we face challenges and they relate the games to the things we go through. We all go on that obstacle course, and just like life, we have obstacles. But with the help of others and with the help of Christ we can overcome those obstacles. It really makes you get out of your comfort zone. Sometimes that is a scary thing to do but it is worth it. The water hose is a water horse that sprays a lot of water, it is clean and cold water during the hot day to refresh us that they keep on and outside when we need it. They do sell bottled water to the campers at snack shack and offer cups of water during every meal that we can refill. The games may be a bit dangerous, but sometimes you have to take risks. It's all about trusting the Lord. Rarely anyone ever gets hurt during these games. I also went this past week and I have been going every summer ever since I was about 11 or 12 and I have enjoyed it so much! We have a bath house with stalls close to our cabins that we can bring our clothes to and change if we are uncomfortable with other people seeing us that way. Other than these things, the preaching is like no other. God is alive and well at camp hosanna. All of the staff have a heart for lost souls and a heart to serve Christ. In everything we do, Christ is centered around it. Also the camp is free and I think that's awesome!! |